Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Stop the world!!!!!! (I need to catch up!)

Why do I always feel like everything is going 1000 miles an hour, and I can barely hang on?

I just wish I could clap my hands and time would stop... I could take my time to catch up on something, and then go right back to the second I left off! If I could have a super power, that's what it would be!

On Sunday I had a plan for the week...and it totally got out of my control! I took a job on Tuesday, and they said they wanted it today, big deal... not a big wrinkle in my plan...but then I get a call... a job I took last week needs to be in by Friday morning!!! But I was working on the one I took before that one, which is now late! YIKES! Then there is the big bead show...which I knew about a year in advance, but have not made any beads for except what I showed. Oh well, at least I will get to hang out with good friends.

Do you ever feel like time is just beating you down?


yoko said... i feel bad because we were chatting online the other night when you should have been working! i'm sorry!

and yes, i always feel like time is just beating me down! more so right now than ever before, actually! and it really doesn't help that i procrastinate, either!

good luck on finishing everthing this week! :)

Maryanne said...

Yep, I don't like it either when life gets in the way!

At least you haven't fallen asleep at the torch this year.

Anonymous said...

i know how you feel Z. i come to work everyday thinking "i'm going to do these 5 things..." and at the end of the day, none of them are done. i got to a point at work where at the end of everyday, i had no idea what i had done! in order to make myself feel productive i actually had to start printing out my daily calendar and writing down what i actually did in between meetings and checking it against my ever growing to-do list. even though i'm spending more time writing not only what needs to be done but also what i've actually done, i'm finding that i'm slowly accomplishing more. crazy, huh?

as for having the time stopping super power, that would be awesome, but for now, i could settle for being able to TIVO life! :)

Hang in for me, I'm off to yet another meeting!