Sunday, August 13, 2006

Just testing an idea...

I was just wondering if I had the capability to make animation. Here I just did a little test to see if I understood the concept in relation to my software resources. So incredibly simple, but I thought I would share it with you anyway. Maybe some day I will have some grand production! (Maybe even featuring Ms. Jade vs. Invisible Pickle!) ha ha ha

(I know...I should be doing other things besides this!)

Yes, that was incredibly short, wasn't it! It took me 23 jpeg files though! ha ha ha


yoko said...

cute, cute, cute!

good job!


that girl reminds me of Sammy!

Anonymous said...

How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love it!

Now I can tell everyone that I know someone who knows how to do animated cartoons :o)

I just can't get over how absolutely cool that is!!!!

Satrina said...

It looks like your test came out... how cute! I was checking out online greeting cards a months or two ago, and IMHO your animation is just as sophisticated. Maybe you could expand your cardmaking into the world of animation!

And I would love to see an animation of Ms. Jade vs. Invisible Pickle! :-D

Satrina said...

Okay, because I'm curious: I have one of your old drawings of Ms. Jade, and I wonder... do your characters change with the times in your head? Sometimes I go back and re-draw old characters to see how my idea of them has changed since high school... I don't know why, but it amuses me to update them sometimes.

So I'm not trying to badger you into drawing forty-thousand frames of Ms. Jade vs. Invisible Pickle! I'm just curious to know if you still revisit them!

Satrina said...

(*Although if you ever get around to it, I'd love to see it, LOL!)

Zonnestraaltje said...

Hey, Satrina! The Ms. Jade plug was actually just for you because I thought you might remember her, and I'm pretty sure you are the only one who would know what the heck I was talking about! LOL!

Do you really still have one of those drawings? I don't really remember what she looks like, but I'll tell you this...I'm not as talented as you are, so all my people look pretty much the same, but with different hair! ha ha ha I may just have to sit down and sketch her out again. She'll probably be nothing like the original...we'll just call her MJ06! (Isn't that the trendy way to title things these days? LOL!)

Thanks for all the nice comments everyone! I may just try a more thought out little cartoon sometime. The challenging part will be to draw invisible do you draw someone who is invisible? Stay tuned!