Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Dedication to My Grandma...

Before my grandma's birthday party this past June, I made a special slide show for her. Since it was too big to upload to You Tube in one piece, here is just the first part of it... I'll put the rest up soon. The song featured is Laura Pausini's "Viveme". The pictures span from my birth to present day... but since my mom wasn't the best historian, there is a big chunk of my life missing since I don't have a whole lot of pictures with my grandma at that time. My memories though are more vivid than any picture can express.

1 comment:

yoko said...

oh, that was beautiful! and while i don't understand all the words of the song, i think it was a very good choice for the photo montage!

you were a cute little thing.

*sniff, sniff*