Thursday, June 30, 2005

Mystery frog???

Ummm...I just published the post before this one...and as usual, I looked over the finished post to check for typos and stuff. I just realized there are four frogs in my picture...but I only made three! I remember pulling the three of them out of the kiln this morning...cleaned them up... took them outside for a photo... When I put them down on the table to get a picture, there were three! I snapped the pics and came back in the house...with three in my hand!

Returning to the kitchen table where I left them, the three frogs are sitting on my bead box in the same position I put them down in:

Here are the pink, purple, and blue frogs. The pink one came out funny, so the blue and purple ones are going to be used for the frog exchange. But I don't see the second pink frog that was in my picture in the last post! I looked around the table, but couldn't find any trace of it! Maybe I imagined it.

Nope... I just went back to look at the first post again, and there is the fourth frog. I even pulled up the picture from the file on the computer, and there it is.

Here is a close-up of the mystery frog:

I'm going outside to see if I can find it out there.


Maryanne said...

Just a little bizarre! Did you find him? Did you make him in your sleep, by any chance?

Missed you at Timonium...durn! I'll bring the Zoozi on Weds.

LT's Expressions said...

Moochie frogs!!! shhhhhhhhhhh don't tell I've been over here peeking!!! (since I put the poll up about keeping froggies a secret AFTER you posted them here and they are still "secret" from LE!!! teehee)

Stacy ltsexpressions at LE

Zonnestraaltje said...

Ooops!!! I didn't see that on LE that the froggies were supposed to be incognito. Yikes! Might have to shake things up a bit and make a new pair of froggies that will remain unseen. I believe I still have some time before the deadline!