Monday, April 18, 2005

"Giant" Cow Terrorizes York!

This is an example of irony that I just had to share. We were coming back from the fairgrounds Sunday. I had my camera in hand to capture the blooms downtown. I started thinking of what if I tried photographing certain things around the city... maybe oddities or strange items. As the car continued forward, I kept looking out my window at things you don't usually get to see when driving... but as a passenger, you have more time to really fish for details. Well, we were getting pretty close to Home Depot, our usual destination, and I thought to myself, "You know, this city just does not have any weird or odd things to photograph!" At that very moment I thought that, I turned my head towards Keith and about peed my pants! There in the parking lot of Giant was this enormous cow with a carton of enormous Turkey Hill Neopolitan Ice Cream! So how was he terrorizing? Duh, the ice cream! How dare he be out in public with all that ice cream when I'm on a low-carb diet!!! Bastard!


Satrina said...

Hee hee-- giant carb-hog cows!

Y'all are so technological! ;-) I love getting to see everything you guys are up to-- and with such pretty pictures! I'm so excited!

Love to K & the kids. I'll check back and comment more later when I've figured out how this thing works...


Zonnestraaltje said...

I keep my eyes closed a night just in case I wake up with a giant cow standing over me going, "Want some ice cream???" AAAAAUUUGGGHHHH!!