Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Not too late to guess...

I'm more than halfway completed with my sweater! Anyone who wishes to guess on my completion date is still welcome to do so! I had to back up a few rows Saturday night though... somehow I was two stitches short, and with this pattern, that's really important...so I had to undo! I think in the time it took me to reverse what I had done, I could have gotten another five or so rows done!!! Oh well... that just puts me closer to the dates you guys have guessed. He he he


Anonymous said...

I am guessing March 23rd 2006!
Or am I being too optimistic here...

Mr. Eavill X


Zonnestraaltje said...

Well, I started this sweater three weeks ago. If that helps!

I see my Eavill X stopped by. He has such a creative way of spelling things. Obviously he knows me very well too by guessing a date in 2006! Normally I'd be insulted, but in this case I think his answer is very realistic! ha ha ha

Satrina said...

Hm, why didn't I ask that kind of sensible question? ;-)

Regards to the "Eavill X" (!!!)