Friday, November 25, 2005

Black Friday Bits

My favorite bits of the day...

1. Being able to find all but one item in my morning bargain scavenger hunt! Usually I stay home and avoid the crazy Black Friday shoppers, but there a few deals I just couldn't let slip by.

2. When Samantha spontaneously fell off the bench seat at Friendly's during breakfast. She was crying from embarrassment, but man, that was hilarious!

3. Hearing the giggles and the phrase, "Let's do that again" from the kids after a thrilling ride up and down the escalator at Sears. Woo-hoo!

4. When Samantha underestimated the slipperiness of the floor at Sears and landed flat on her back after jumping up to greet Daddy. Again she was crying from embarrassment, but man, that was hilarious! Her back must be particularly attracted to the floor today...must be because she got up so early!

5. Keith hung up some Christmas lights outside this year. Kind of simple and limited in area, but very sparkly and happy... can't help but feel like a kid again.

6. Hasn't happened yet, but I can't wait to hear and see David's excitement when he gets home tonight and sees the Chritmas lights on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1. I'm happy you found your items, but you are CRAZY to go out on BLACK FRIDAY!
2. and 4. I LOOOVE that you admit how
funny that was!
3. Eli loves that, too!