... that already a year has passed since I last saw my beautiful little grandma laughing and smiling... since I smelled her sweet little head and gave her a kiss on it and she replied, "I love you too." The last time I wrapped my arms around my warm little grandma was a year ago at her birthday party. I miss her every day. I miss her cute little voice and the way it lit up when she laughed.
I picked a few little roses for her. She loved roses, and I think the only reason my roses are blooming and beautiful is because she is helping them a little -- and shaking her head at me because I am pathetic with that stuff, but I could almost hear her whisper when I'm outside that they are such pretty roses. So I found a few that the beetles weren't living in and eating...and put them in a little glass I had swiped from her collection years ago. She always drank out of these tiny little glasses. My little portion of her ashes are in a little tin, which rest inside a satin ribbon pouch that I knitted, and the glass butterfly sits atop of it.
It's strange how you try to hold onto whatever you can..and hope that if you make a little shrine like this she might hear you crying and maybe you would feel her touch your head or something...but the only thing I feel is my heart breaking again that she is gone.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LITTLE GRANDMA!!! I miss you so damn much.
Sunday the 17th found us celebrating Father's Day at Hershey Park this year with Jen, Scott, and Paden. The weather was beautiful!!
They have a new water area in the middle of the park now. It looks like fun, but it is kind of overwhelming! This is just one section. I started out not getting wet, but trying to capture the others on camera... very difficult because it was hard to find the right places to stand and not get wet. I waited and waited for Sammie and Keith to come down one of the big slides, only to see them get to the top and be turned away... Sammie was too small. So I finally put the camera away and was going to join them, but heck if I could find them in that maze! I had more water fights in there with other people's children in my quest to find my group. When I finally got to the top, I looked out towards the entrance and saw them all walking out and looking around for me! So I climbed back down after all that! ha ha ha
We got a little dried off and headed for the car for a picnic lunch... Not only was it Father's Day, but our 7th Anniversary. Here we are: Seven years...can you believe that? The last couple years have just flown by! (Don't pick on my hair -- It is after being soaked and I can't do a thing with it! But look at those teeth!!! (I still am so happy with my teeth! he he))
I call this one, "Mommy, why do I have to stand with the giant poop?"
Paden, David, and Samantha enjoy a fast ride...
Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil... The amazing part is that we got all three of them to cooperate at the same time! ha ha ha This was taken on the monorail around the park.
Giant Animal Orgy...
Then we got the most laughs when we came across the Boogie Bodies stand! Ah, green-screen technology at it's finest! ha ha ha Here Paden and Samantha get ready for their video shoot. David said it looked embarrassing and that he didn't want to be a "Bobble Head", so he didn't participate. Here is the result of our silliness...
Oh, we're in trouble if Sammie grows up to have a body like that!!! ha ha ha
We had a wonderful day... a great start to summer!
The National Court Reporters Association posted a link to this video I'd like to share. It's a cute and funny look at depositions from a legal videographer's perspective. Sometimes depositions are videotaped to be used later by the attorneys or to be played in court before a jury if the witness would not be able to appear personally, and that's where the legal video specialist comes in.
My favorite element to this clip is how the poor guy is struggling with steps and hills and traffic to get his equipment to the job locations because, even though I have less equipment than that to haul around, one of the crazy things about this work is just trying to get to the job -- especially if we're dealing with older buildings that have many steps but no ramps or elevators! The worst I have had so far was an older building in Baltimore where they wanted me up in the third floor conference room... no elevator, just spiral staircase. Yes, that was fun. There have also been occasions where you could have watched me walk in circles down or up through the many levels of a parking garage because an elevator was out of service and I had to park on Level 8 or something. In one case I demanded the owner not charge me for parking since I was seriously inconvenienced...and one more floor they might have had to call the paramedics! LOL!
I'm a smart ass, but I have a very big heart. I love creating pretty little things out of glass or fibers. I am a pathetic singer, but do it with so much passion. My alter ego is a quiet court reporter taking depositions and hearings around town. I love everything about what I do... at work, at home, at the torch, with my camera... Right now I am having the time of my life.
A Zonnestraaltje is a "little ray of sun". It's a Dutch word that I have been fond of for over ten years now, and it's become part of my persona. I used to hope it described my personality, but the more I look around my little world, I realize it describes what I should experience in life... look beyond the gloomy to fully see the sparkling side of life. Catch the moments that come floating down to me on little rays of sun...soak them in, and be thankful for that time.