Friday, March 16, 2007

Slow and Hapee

Even though, in my opinion, this looks like some sort of mutant animal performing some bodily function, (But hey, that's just me!) this is actually a very quick and spontaneous scribble on an envelope by David of a turtle that really made me laugh out loud. He was so sincere about it, and I just had to smile.

The message is simple, and it's one I often forget. That happens so easily, doesn't it?

I always worry if I'm doing my best to teach my kids everything they need to know... but every day, when I stop to pay attention, I realize that they are teaching me. I have to remind myself that once in a while you need to be slow and happy.

Hi everyone! I miss you guys! Sorry I'm cheap on the e-mails... I really should be better at keeping in touch. The weather warmed up this week, but now we hear we may get more snow. I took the kids to the park yesterday, and will post a couple as soon as I can. Take care!

1 comment:

Satrina said...

D's drawing reminds me of my favorite Comcast commercials (with the talking tortoises, the "Slowskys")-- I love the drawing and the wisdom of the message. He's such a neat little person :-)