Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The naked tree... in more ways than one!

Sunday afternoon found me in Lancaster County at Frog Hollow Evergreens... where my lovely friend, Maryanne, of Torchsong Studio, lives, makes soap, makes beads, and grows beautiful Christmas trees. It was great to see the inside of her workshop, and she helped me find just the right tree.

Unfortunately, since I'm still trying to get depositions out the door that are a little crusty, I really could only get the tree into it's stand and find it a place in the corner. The kids have been driving me crazy to decorate it, but I just can't do it yet.

So Samantha decided to take matters into her own hands....and decorated the tree herself.......


"O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas Tree.... You're full of naked Barbies! La la - la la , la la - la la, la la- la la, la la-la la"

I guess you could also caption this one, "And last year at Barbie's Christmas party, things got a little out of hand, and that's why we are staying home this year."

And Keith did a nice job putting up a little touch of Christmas. We've had just a dusting of snow...and it seems like winter is suddenly upon us.


Anonymous said...

I think Samantha did a very original and artistic Christmas Tree decoration :o)

Keith did a marvelous (and probably time consuming)job making the outside of your lovely home so festive!

{{Hugs}} all round and see you soon.

Satrina said...

Aw, the house looks so festive. Nice job, Keith!