Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Quick blurb this morning to reinforce what I have learned this morning. If I say it out loud here, it may help me. It's 7:10 a.m., and I am starting my day the ICACA way! (If you say I-CACA out loud, it sounds really funny...but I guess that's what is helping me remember it! (Or maybe you have to be Mexican or live near them to know why the word "caca" is funny!) (Or maybe I'm too easily amused!))

ROFLMAO! I know...it's too early to be ROFLMAO, but oh well!

ICACA is from a book I dug out of the basement called, "How to Stay Cool, Calm and Collected When the Pressure's On; A Stress-Control Plan for Bussinesspeople" by John Newman. You need a stress-control plan just to get through the title! (Or for that matter, the fact that every other paragraph repeats the phrase, "Cool, calm, and collected." Arrrgggh!) (It's helping already, right? ha ha ha ha)

I pulled it out because my method of managing how I handle what I perceive as stressful situations is not so good. Yep, that's right... stress is not the problem, it's what you perceive as stressful and how you react to it. So I dusted it off and revisted the pages. There was a crumpled Post-It where I left off last time, and some areas had been written in already with purple ink. I think the last time I looked at this book was about six years ago at least! The sad thing is, a lot of the purple writing still applied, except now I could check off things related to having children. LOL! Needless to say, it is obvious proof that I never finished the book or applied it's principles since I am not far from where I was when I bought the darn book! Don't you just love that!?!

So back to ICACA. It's a pledge....

I will live my life with...

Are you being true to yourself? Do you live your life with the courage to not worry about what other people will think and to make your own choices? Are you commited to take action? Are you in control of your emotions, your thoughts, and your actions? Are you aware of what's going on in your life and what shape you are in?

Even though I am 80% true to myself and 80% aware of myself... I fall short in courage, action, and control with an average of about 30 to 40 percent! So I'm leaving the house today the ICACA way!

(And it has nothing to do with the shredded wheat I had for breakfast! LOL!)

Have a great ICACA day!

P.S. - Today is trash day, so Bathtime Betsy will be going far, far, away! Bye-bye Betsy!!!

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