Monday, April 09, 2007

Random Act of Cuteness for March

(I've been keeping this one in my head and very late to post it, but I can't just let it slip away!)

While hanging out in the kids' room, I overhear this role playing by Samantha and her "Holly" (Polly) Pocket dolls:

(One is a boy and the other a girl.)

Girl: (In a shrill pretend voice) "Marry me or die!"

Me: What? Samantha! Do you think you have to die or get married?
Sammy: I want you to marry me, Mommy!
Me: I can't marry you! I'm your mommy!
David: I'll marry you, Mommy!
Sammy: Yeah, you can marry David!
Me: I can't marry David either! I'm already married to Daddy!
Sammy: Okay. Then you can die for Daddy.
Me: Oh, really? Let me think about that one!
David: Yeah! You grow up. You get married. You are happy. Then you die.

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