Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Another Random Act of Cuteness!

I got home this evening, and Keith wanted to show me something in the yard.... except what he wanted to show me had an issue!

He went over to the one window well and then told me to get the shovel. HUH???
Me: Oh, no, don't tell me there is some dead animal in there!!??! (Three basement windows on the south side of the house were created, and the ground was dug out to allow that, so the wells are lined in concrete and about two-feet deep.)

This tiny baby bunny was cuddled up in the corner down at the bottom of the window well. He fell in and couldn't get out! Poor little bun-bun!! He is no bigger than the palm of my hand! So I climbed in and tried to pick him up to return him to ground level, but he got a little scared and was hopping all over. After a few strokes on his little head, he trusted me enough to let me lift him out. At that moment, my in-laws showed up with the kids and the bun-bun ran into his little hole between two of the windows... it wasn't deep though...he was just kind of protected, but not under the ground. He sat there and let us pet him a little bit.

Oh, so the funny comment for the RAC today is what my father-in-law said, and it relates to the Van Gogh post below. He said, "Tell that bunny to stay away from Samantha or he might lose his left ear!"

1 comment:

Satrina said...

Aww! Poor bunny! I would have been so tempted to take it inside and keep it! Did you see this post on Vox last week? "The Interactive Bun" is really cute.